
我们开发出具有临床能力的, ethical, and compassionate practitioners of tomorrow who care for the whole person, 批判性和创造性地思考和行动, 拥抱协作和灵活性, 并且致力于改变世界.

该计划的核心目标是准备胜任, 入门级艺术治疗师的认知(知识), 精神运动(技能)和情感(行为)学习领域, 符合国家认可标准. 


Students can complete the program on either a full-time or part-time basis. Full-time students complete the program in 8 semesters, taking 9 credits (3 classes) most terms. Part-time students typically take either 9, 10 or 11 semesters to complete the program. (To be eligible for student loans you must take a minimum of 5 credits, or 2 classes, each term.) 学期课程顺序选择 (PDF).


Yes. 西顿希尔的艺术治疗研究生课程是一个63学分的课程, 符合大多数心理健康研究生培训. It takes at least 3 years (8 semesters) to complete so that you can maintain flexible work or family responsibilities while completing your studies. 

The class schedule is set up to allow students to work part-time so students on the 8 semester plan are able to come to campus just two nights a week for the first four semesters, 5号3晚, 然后进入实习年份. 大多数学生在完成课程的同时兼职, 尽管有些人在实习年之前都是全职工作. 请记住,如果你一学期选三门课, the expectation for coursework and class time is then around 25 hours a week total (for three classes) so if you wish to work full-time, 我们可以讨论一下把你减至每学期两节课. 

虽然可以在完成任务的同时继续工作 实习/实习经历, it is not recommended to attempt to work full-time during this final third year of studies. The importance of mastering clinical skills through extensive hours at the site, 再加上其他课程的作业, 需要一个专注的承诺. 除了, internship supervision with art therapy faculty occurs during a four hour daytime/weekday course on campus. 


Most courses are held during the evening hours although a few are offered during traditional work hours. 请参阅 学期课程顺序选择 (PDF),了解上课时间.

Can I start the program in the spring or summer semesters, or just fall? 

Our program starts in the fall or spring semesters, but not in summer. 请参阅 学期课程顺序选择 (linked above) for the plans that can support your learning needs. Beginning in the fall will allow you to move through your courses with a reliable cohort of peers with which you will develop strong relationships. 春季开学可以让你接触到几个不同的群体. 


而在线工具则用于学习和作业, 学生将获得一台MacBook Air笔记本电脑, 大多数课程都是面对面的. We believe the opportunities that exist for art-making in our studio classrooms, 以及其他团队导向的课程, form essential connections between peers and develop interpersonal relational skills needed as an art therapist. At this time, four courses are offered online in order to assist with maintaining a busy schedule. 

How many courses do I have to take to complete the master's degree program?



一年级和二年级的班级大约有14-18人, which allows for diverse perspectives and life experiences amongst peers. 三年级的课程规模较小, with practicum/internship supervision being no more than eight students. 


Our 学费 是有竞争力的,我们还提供吗 aid. 这个项目还参加了 和平队科弗德尔研究员项目. Partial scholarships are also available through the American Art Therapy Association. Graduates who obtain full-time work in a public service job may qualify for Public Service Loan Forgiveness.  It is also important to note the program is designed for livable learning so students can work while they complete graduate studies. 


绝对.  这里是该手册的PDF链接.

How will I be taught in the Art Therapy Program at 西顿希尔大学?

教学方法包括互动式课堂, 实习期间的强化监督, 集团项目, 角色扮演, 内容审查, 小组的演讲, 案例展示, 预备与志愿者的实地经验, 以及响应式艺术创作. 

在研究生阶段, we expect that our students are bringing life learning into the classroom, and our courses are designed to create an environment where students are learners and peer teachers who facilitate personal and professional growth in others and themselves. The faculty welcomes open communication with students and receive and provide regular feedback.  Extensive writing is also expected in the program as a tool of reflection. 

Once I submit my completed application how long will it be until I receive an admission decision? 

Candidates will typically be scheduled for an interview within two to three weeks of submitting an application and will be notified of an admissions decision within one week of interviewing. 


格林斯堡 is a great small town with affordable housing and an active cultural scene, which serves as the home for the Westmoreland Museum of American Art.  格林斯堡 is only 35 miles from the “most livable city” of Pittsburgh, 有许多博物馆, 蓬勃发展的艺术社区和城市风情. The Laurel Highlands are also nearby and provide a balance of hiking and biking trails. 



  • 强烈的职业道德和自我导向.
  • The ability to be empathic and emotionally present with others, while remaining curious. 
  • A passion for art-making that supports emotional growth rather than focusing on skilled technique.
  • A commitment to learning about multicultural experiences and marginalized communities.
  • An investment in personal growth and interest in obtaining feedback.
  • The ability to reflect on and articulate personal attitudes, especially in classroom groups.
  • 具备研究生水平的写作、阅读和演讲能力. 

除了 to prerequisite courses, what else can I do to prepare for the program?

  • Engage in art-making for your own means of self-exploration and expression.
  • Show you have a desire to work with people by volunteering or working with a human service, medical, 为社区成员提供支持的教育或类似机构.
  • Participate in your own personal therapy (not necessarily art therapy if unavailable) to develop self-awareness while getting a sense of what a therapeutic relationship is like.

联系 研究生和在线学习办公室 about 研究生项目,请填写 网上索取资料表格. 准备申请? 现在在线免费申请! You may also call 研究生招生 at (724) 838-4208 or email us at gadmit@90bc.net.