Entrepreneur and Philanthropist Grant Verstandig Tells Seton Hill Class of 2023 to Keep Moving Forward

Entrepreneur and philanthropist Grant Verstandig shared with the 西顿希尔大学 Class of 2023 that they have the unique opportunity to make real change in the world as the author of their own story - but they just need to take the first step.

“Embarking on a new chapter is intimidating - it’s riddled with your expectations, 朋友的期望, family and even complete strangers on what they think should be written on your page. 这需要巨大的勇气, 创造力和决心才刚刚开始写作, then it takes hard work and perseverance to continue your story – day in and day out writing just a little more every day no matter the ups and downs that life has to offer. And remember there can be no joy without pain and there cannot be growth – and I know we’re in Pittsburgh - without rain.”

事实上, Verstandig – who received an Honorary 人文文学博士 Degree from Seton Hill during Commencement on May 6 – has faced his share of adversity.

21岁生日之后, Verstandig – then a lacrosse player at Brown University – underwent his fifth knee operation. He has to date had a total of 18 operations on his right leg. He recognized at that time that patients were not at the center of the healthcare system as they should be, 他接受了这些知识, 退学, 并创立了Rally Health, a consumer centric digital health company that was later acquired by UnitedHealth Group.

从那时起, Verstandig还创立了几家公司, 包括伊庇鲁斯, an AI-enabled power management company focused on directed energy defense applications and Spycraft Entertainment, a production company focused on intelligence and military operations.

He is currently the co-founder and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Red Cell Partners, an incubation firm building and investing in rapidly scalable technology-led companies that are bringing revolutionary advancements to market in national security and healthcare, 同时也是Zephyr AI的联合创始人兼执行主席, 防御的人工智能, 和塔拉心灵, 所有Red Cell投资组合公司.  

Seton Hill总裁Mary C. Finger conferred the Honorary Degree to Grant Verstandig and, 在颁奖典礼上颁发的奖状中, 讲述了他的许多创业努力.

她说, “格兰特Verstandig, 你作为一个见多识广的冒险者的坚韧, your personal story of resilience and your preeminent philanthropy are inspiring. Your endeavors have brought honor to your life’s work, your family, this region, and our nation. You are a role model to the 西顿希尔大学 students who share this recognition with you today; and along with them, I am proud to acknowledge your devotion to humanity and the passion you bring to your life’s calling, 通过授予你学位, 人文文学博士, 作为一种荣誉授予的." 

Verstandig是已故Ruth O 'Block Grant的孙子, a Seton Hill alumna and the Immediate Past Chair of the Seton Hill Board of Trustees, 他去年去世了. In 2018, 作为澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台百年庆典的一部分, Verstandig, 通过Verstandig家庭基金会, made a seven-figure leadership commitment to Seton Hill to create The Ruth O’Block Grant Endowed Scholarship Program.

Verstandig said he was humbled and honored to be recognized by Seton Hill with the Honorary Doctorate.

“Being recognized by an institution that has produced so many exemplary leaders is profoundly moving and deeply humbling for me,他说. “正如你所听到的,这也是非常私人的. 我的祖母露丝, 他一年多前刚去世, 1954年毕业于澳门金沙博彩娱乐平台. 她后来成为了一名企业家, 商业领袖, 社区倡导者, and at a time when many of her female peers did not even have the opportunity to go to college, 她经营一家钢铁公司. Seton Hill gave my grandmother the same thing then that it presents to each of you today – a foundation to create your own path.”

Verstandig said the graduates will need help throughout their journey – and they must always keep moving.


He acknowledged that the graduates will experience adversity and uncertainty throughout life, 但他们没有屈服于恐惧.

“你必须听从自己的内心, 依靠你的信念, and trust in the foundation this great university has given to you,他说. “The greatest failures in life come when we are paralyzed by fear - fear of taking the next step, 被假设所麻痹, 被别人的想法所麻痹. …. 虽然现在可能会很不舒服, the most successful people that I’ve come across in life are the ones who holistically embrace the journey in all of its ups and downs.”

Verstandig望着前方说, he sees a brighter future full of possibilities for the Class of 2023, and he firmly believes that entrepreneurship will be the key to transform the world.

“当今世界正在以前所未有的速度变化, and we need leaders who will think creatively to innovate, 挑战, to push the status quo and solve some of the impossible problems that grip our future whether it’s climate change, 我们国家的健康危机, 通货膨胀, 经济, 一个以大国与中国竞争为标志的世界. 我们现在比以往任何时候都更需要像你们这样的领导人。.

He told the graduates to give themselves permission to dream; to embrace failures and learn from them; to ignore the critics; and to surround themselves with people who share their beliefs.

“The Class of 2023 - I am incredibly honored to be bound with you for the rest of our lives,他说. “Seton Hill has equipped you with the knowledge, the skills and the values to succeed. Now it’s up to you to go take those tools and make a difference. I know that each and every one of you has the potential to do incredible things, 所以请踏出信心的第一步. …. I look forward to seeing all you will contribute to this world.”